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Location: Parkdale Chiropractic Clinic, 21 White Street, Parkdale.

Duration: Please allow min 1.5 hours to 2 hours for your session. 


In Person Appointments:

Here are our specialised packages:

Version 1 includes 5 Lymphatic Massage sessions plus the detox products x 3 $1210

Version 2 includes 7 Lymphatic Massage sessions plus the detox products x 3 $1600


Both packages include our Ultimate Detox and Parasite and Worm Cleanse Products, plus helpful video links and a little Holistic Lifestyle eBook and individual SMS Text Support during this time. Plus, a free Copy of my published printed book, Mind Your Gut Health is included for all payments made upfront.

Or we can offer a payment plan of three payments to be paid in full by the complete of the program.  


A trial session for $195 is available and can be absorbed into your package fee if you choose to continue with the package. 

Lymphatic Holistic Massage

Lymphatic Holistic Massage is known to relieve the swelling in the tissues and move the lymphatic fluid into the lymph nodes. It helps by releasing the fluid from your tissues and moving it to the lymph nodes for filtration.

Our Approach is to look at your overall lifestyle and emotional wellbeing including Lymphatic Holistic Massage. Maintaining a healthy lymphatic system and ensuring proper lymphatic drainage is crucial for supporting immune function, fluid balance, toxin removal, and overall well-being. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, adequate hydration, and techniques like manual lymphatic drainage can help optimise lymphatic system function.

Daily Tips:
  • Practice the 7 steps in this VIDEO LINK 

  • Learn to diaphragmatic breath correctly and practice. VIDEO LINK

  • Sleep with feet on pillows or triangle block so that your legs are raised ABOVE your heart.

  • Rest legs up against a wall with back on the ground and bottom touching the wall in a L shape for 20 minutes. Or try this on the couch if the floor is uncomfortable. 

  • Remove Gluten, Sugar, Alcohol, Caffein, vegetable oils and Dairy from Diet for 6 weeks minimum.

  • Detox and cleanse your bowels including a parasite and work cleanse. Ask Daniella for the Detox package. This is helpful as it allows your digestive system to better eliminate toxins from your lymphatic fluid so that your body does not have to continue re-absorbing the acidic Lymph Fluid. 

Lymphatic is connected to our Auric Field

The lymphatic system is the closest part of the human body that is connected to source energy, our Aura, and our connection to our highest self. And each can influence the other.


This flow chart below is the order of how energy (positive or negative) can affect our body. This flow of energy applies in both directions.

Ie. Our Aura can influence our dis-ease OR our dis-ease can influence our Aura.


Electromagnetic field (Aura) > Chi Vibration > Lymph System > Nervous System > Brain Stem > Brain > Thoughts > Mind Activity > Concentration/ Focus = Health (alkaline) or dis-ease (Inflammation)


Our Lymph fluid can be either Alkaline or Acidic.

Alkaline Lymph is the best – this support immune system, brain function, gut health, all cells and positive energy field (Aura).

Acidic Lymph is bad as it’s stagnant, full of toxins and causes inflammation, anxiety, disease, mood and mental health.


Our thoughts can directly affect our lymph

Positive thoughts and high vibration emotions = alkaline lymph

Negative thoughts and low vibration emotions = Acidic Lymph


The energetic field (Aura) can cause a change in the physical body

We can improve the quality of our lymph within minutes from being acidic, to be more alkaline by changing our thoughts or doing something that gets us into the parasympathetic nervous system or activating the Vegas nerve. This means by consistently improving our vibration, we can reduce inflammation in our body within minutes, which in time can support healing in the body.


Creating changes in the physical body can activate a change in our energetic system.

We can improve our vibration or feel better or get into the parasympathetic nervous system by activating our lymphatic system. By doing a lymphatic massage, diaphragmatic breathing, slow gentle movement or using a rebounder and this will change the lymphatic fluid from acidic to alkaline.


The diaphragm is the lymphatics closest thing to a pump

The diaphragm and respiratory system mostly effect the lymphatic system, which is why learning to diaphragmatic breath correctly is so important and to do it at least twice per day. Generally, most people don’t know how to diaphragmatically breath or forget to incorporate this style of breathing into their daily lives. Simply, 10 diaphragmatic breaths twice per day is beneficial in so many ways.


The lymphatic system doesn’t have its own specific pump like the circulatory system has a heart to pump the blood through the veins. The lymphatic system must work against gravity and only is supported with the body is flat, or even better, when the legs are raised, or if we diaphragmatic breath. The problem with this is that most people don’t diaphragmatic breath, so we teach people to do this.


The second reason diaphragmatic breathing is so important for the lymphatic system is that it’s the best way to get oxygen into the blood and cells, which support the lymph to become more alkaline. VIDEO LINK

Holistic Lifestyle Lymphatic Holistic Massage Package

We want to care and support all new and existing clients


Here are our specialised packages:

Version 1 includes 5 sessions plus the detox products x 3 $1210

Version 2 includes 7 sessions plus the detox products x 3 $1600


Both packages include our Ultimate Detox and Parasite and Worm Cleanse Products, plus helpful video links and a little Holistic Lifestyle eBook and individual SMS Text Support during this time. Plus, a free Copy of my published printed book, Mind Your Gut Health is included for all payments made upfront.

Or we can offer a payment plan of three payments to be paid in full by the complete of the program.  

A trial session for $195 is available and can be absorbed into your package fee if you choose to continue with the package.

The Ultimate Detox and Parasite and Worm Cleanse Products


The following products are recommended by most Colon hydrotherapists in Australia. These products are made in Australia with the finest organic ingredients and we are in constant communication with the manufacturers of these products. We suggest that everyone completes this detox yearly to maintain good gut health and overall wellbeing.


This detox comes with easy to follow instructions plus SMS text support and can be incorporated into a busy lifestyle, with no adjustments being required. the duration of this detox is approximately 4-6 weeks. 

Qenda Ultimate Fibre: Worm & Parasite Cleanse and pulls out the mucus plaque lining of the bowel and lower intestines. 

SAYBO Super Binder: A gentle heavy metal detox and also helps to mop up all the toxins and die off that the QUF is creating. Super Binder helps the body to eliminate faster so the toxins and waste are not reabsorbed into the body. 

SAYBO Revive: This is a powerful adaptogen super food powder that helps to balance hormones, increase energy and focus and bring in the much needed good bacteria into the digestive system. 

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